[case study] Improving Loan Efficiency with GSE Appraisal Modernization
Watch this recording to explore the adoption of hybrid appraisal options from a lender’s perspective. Kenon Chen, EVP of Corporate Strategy, Clear Capital, and Rachel Robinson, Director of Collateral Policy, Rocket Mortgage, walk through what it takes to successfully roll out new programs and the benefits that can be achieved versus a traditional appraisal process.
[tech talk] How Digitizing Appraisal Inspections Can Reduce Risk and Bias – Mortgage Innovators Conference 2021
The mortgage industry is ever-evolving. Advanced new technologies are proven to save lenders time and empower them to close loans faster and more confidently. However, keeping up with the latest mortgage tech can be a challenge. This webinar explores the current landscape of the mortgage industry – including modernization, updated GSE regulations, and more. Learn how to navigate new technology and appraisal processes to thrive in any market.