Performance report

ClearAVM™ Quarterly Performance Report

ClearAVM is one of the highest rated lending-grade automated valuation models (AVM) in the industry. 

Designed for situations that require precise and efficient results, ClearAVM’s nationwide coverage provides reliable, accurate predictions of market values for home equity lending, portfolio valuation, review, and underwriting.

We measure ClearAVM’s performance by comparing its predictions against actual sales prices. 

Download the ClearAVM Q4 2024 performance report to learn more about ClearAVM’s accuracy on a national scale.

Case study

[Case study] Hitch and ClearAVM™

Hitch boosts valuation accuracy, enhances customer experience, and approves 30% more loans.

When Hitch found that its AVM vendor’s inaccurate home values hurt its client experience and internal efficiencies, it sought a better option. Hitch selected Clear Capital’s ClearAVM™ and saved time, spent less, and improved client satisfaction.

Download the case study to learn more.


8 Questions to Ask Your AVM Provider for Home Equity Lenders

Many home equity lenders know the benefit of using an automated valuation model (AVM) in home equity lending. Using an AVM can expedite lending and save lenders money. These time and cost savings can then be passed to the customer, leading to a better bottom line for all parties involved. Before you choose an AVM for your home equity lending, it’s important to ensure you’re getting the most out of this powerful technology. Download our free ebook to discover eight crucial questions to ask your AVM provider to verify the quality of your AVM.

the modern lenders guide to the world of avm
The Modern Lender's Guide to the World of AVMs

Automated valuation models (AVMs) are remarkable, modern property valuation tools. But they’re kind of like magic — enter an address, and a value appears. That simplicity is great for consumers, but for lenders and financial institutions in a highly-regulated environment, additional insight is needed. We wrote this free ebook to reveal the science behind that “magic.” It covers everything from AVM basics, to what makes a “lending grade” AVM, to AVM testing methods and steps, and much more.

White Papers

clear capital white paper embracing the next gen avm
Embracing the Next-Generation AVM

Download this free white paper to learn:

  • What financial institutions should look for in an AVM provider
  • The many uses of AVMs, including for HELOC lending, pre-valuation, portfolio valuation, and more
  • The differences between marketing-grade and lending-grade AVMs
  • The formula for a highly-accurate, lending-grade AVM
  • Why modern AVMs use the “machine learning approach”
Download the free ebook.

It covers everything from AVM basics, to what makes a “lending grade” AVM, to AVM testing methods and steps, and much more.

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